Utility Locating Survey at Rosemont Square, Randolph, MA
New construction was taking place at Rosemont Square Apartments, Randolph, Massachusetts, and unfortunately for Pro Con, Inc., the asbuilts they were using to help guide them during excavation were proving to be inadequate. For example, they excavated in one area that was supposed to be clear, and found a water main running through it. It was this discovery that finally compelled them to do some research and give us a call to request a Level 1 utility locating survey. At first, they only wanted us to mark out the water line. However, after talking to the property owner about our services, a decision was made to mark out all other underground utility types as well. During the course of the survey, our technicians were able to mark the location and depth of water, electric, telecommunications, and sewer. As a result, Pro Con was able to complete the remainder of the excavation without any other nasty surprises.
Additional Information
To learn more about our underground utility locating services, please visit the underground utility locating services page.